Friday 22 January 2016

Art in Jan

Look at our chalk house drawings! So bright and colourful!

Animal Reports

Check out our exciting reports on animals!


We are working in the school towards getting our Green Schools Flag for biodiversity. We picked out 22 plants and animals around our school, we think put them in a poem. We sponge painted a tree, typed the poem and coloured in the pictures!

Wednesday 13 January 2016

New Years Resolutions

This week we spent time reflecting on all the things we enjoyed last year, there were even some we would like to do again! and setting new goals for this year! Many of us are looking forward to being healthier and happier this year with lots of concerts, holidays and days out planned to look forward to!

Getting Fit in January

Fighting Fit in January

Back to school means back to being Active. This month we have PE with Ms O Hanlon, Gymnastics with Dave and a skipping workshop!